Why textile ducts?
Textile ducts are very well-suited for efficient, uniform, and draught-free distribution of fresh air without "dead zones".
Read more about textile ductworkProducts for sport and leisure
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Sport and leisure
Typical benefits in these installations;
- Large amounts of cooling without draughts
- Easy to maintain
- Long air throws typically 2 to 25 metres
- Substantial cost saving on ducting and installation
- Impact resistant
- Aesthetically attractive and colour co-ordinated to local or company schemes
System and section choices available;
- KE-Inject®
- KE-Direjet®
- 9 standard colours and 1600 special colours
- 5 mm holes (Inject), 12, 18, 24, 48 and 60 mm Nozzles (Direjet)
- Aluminium rail or stainless steel wire suspension
- "O" and "D" section ducts
- Non permeable fabric - no clogging
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